Junior CHYK National Day Camp 'Keep It Simple'
Day Camp registration : Junior CHYK National Day Camp 'Keep It Simple'
Note: Registration Closed
Keep It Simple: Uncover the simple ingredients for mastering life!
Date: Saturday 29 Jan 2022
NSW Time: 9am to 7.30pm
VIC Time: 9am to 7.30pm
ACT: 9am to 7.30pm
SA Time: 8.30am to 7pm
QLD Time: 8am to 6.30pm
WA Time: 7.30am to 4.30pm
Location: Attend at your state’s Chinmaya Mission Centre.
Chinmaya Mission Centres:
Sydney: Chinmaya Sannidhi, 38 Carrington Road, Castle Hill 2154
Melbourne: Chinmaya Dham, 4 Pioneer Drive, Templestowe 3106
Perth: 75 Central Road, Rossmoyne, WA 6148
Brisbane: Chinmaya Aishwad, 95 Laurel Street, Heathwood QLD 4110
Adelaide: TBA
Canberra: TBA
We’re so excited to have Pujya Swami Swaroopananda ji with us again to uncover these simple yet transformative secrets with the Junior Chyks, which they will be able to use in all situations of life.
COVID Safe Requirements:
Due to the current uncertainty around COVID, it is very important that all parents and attendees are aware of the following COVID-safe measures.
- Should you experience any flu-like symptoms in the days leading up to or the day of retreat, participants MUST stay home to avoid risk of transmission. In the unfortunate case an attendee is unable to attend physically, an online version of the program will be available, and 50% of the registration fee will be refunded.
- Depending on each centre requirements and state regulations, participants may be required to provide a negative RAT result the morning of the event. This test is included as part of your registration fee, and will be conducted at your retreat centre prior to entry (if required). All parents must wait in the car with their child while a sevak comes to conduct the test. Should the result be positive, the child and all members of the vehicle will be asked to return home to isolate in line with government health guidelines. More information will be provided after registration (State specific).
- All participants must check-in to the venue for the duration of the retreat using their respective state government apps, and are requested to wear a mask except during meals. Checking-in will ensure that all participants will be notified should there be any cases identified amongst retreat attendees.
- It is important to remember that not all minors are fully vaccinated. To support the safety of all participants, we request that in the 3 days leading up to the retreat, children stay away from large events and minimise exposure as much as possible.
- In stock, ready to ship
- Inventory on the way