Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision
The inner transformation of individuals through knowledge of Vedanta, spiritual practices and service to society, resulting in a happy world around them.

Our Mission
To provide to individuals from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society.

Our Motto
To Give Maximum Happiness To Maximum People For Maximum Time
Spiritual Goals
We align our study classes and activities to promote certain goals for each stage of life.
Pre-SchoolShishu Vihar (SV)
Develop love for God and a love for Hindu culture
Primary SchoolBala Vihar (BV)
Inculcate positive values from Puranic stories, learn to quieten & purify the mind through prayers and bhajans
High SchoolJunior Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (JCHYK)
Cultivate self-confidence, balance, single-pointedness, overcome laziness, fear & anxiety. Craft your character
University StudentsChinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK)
Develop noble aspirations and dynamism to set & achieve goals in line with your personality & character. Serve the community.
Young ProfessionalSenior Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK)
Translate key messages from Hindu scriptures to your day-to-day life. Participate actively in study groups.
Family Men and WomenAdults Class & Devi Group (Grahasthas)
Bring the essence of Hindu culture into your home. Develop & maintain positive relationships in your life. Serve, contribute and grow spiritually
RetireesAdult Class (Vanaprasthas)
Cultivate remembrance of God. Attach yourself to company of Good. Attend regular classes