Many of us want to continue our spiritual growth even when we are not at the Chinmaya Mission. This library of resources opens the door to self-learning.

Shlokas bring peace and calmness to our hearts and minds. Learn our main shlokas, listed below
Explore key concepts, guidance on living Vedanta, stories, song and more. For full playlists, visit the Chinmaya Channel on YouTube.
Listen to some shlokas and chanting to soothe your spirit and invoke the divine.
How To Guides
Yes, you can. There are tapes made of the lectures given by Swamiji’s in Chinmaya Mission and you can purchase them and listen and come up to speed in any of the scriptural texts.
Any one who has the intellectual acumen and aspiration and is interested in discovering their own true nature can join the study group.
The philosophy on which Chinmaya Mission’s teachings and activities are based is the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, as propagated by Shri Adi Shankaracharya (788-820 CE). This philosophy speaks of the One Reality.